Flambus numero 19 o solo semplice fumo?

128 atac Flambus

Alle 8.30 del mattino il mezzo della linea 128 si è fermato per un’alta colonna di fumo che si è sprigionata dalla parte posteriore. L’azienda: «Si è attivato, senza motivo apparente, l’estintore automatico nel motore: avvieremo una indagine interna»

[ Corriere della Sera ] Una colonna di fumo che si alza dal retro di un autobus della linea 128 in via della Magliana alle 8.30 di mercoledì mattina. 

L’incidente sul mezzo - diretto alla Magliana Vecchia - è stato immortalato dai passeggeri e dai passanti: si vede il fumo bianco che si alza dalla parte posteriore del bus di nuova generazione.

Nessun incendio

«Non c’è stato alcun principio di incendio» smentisce l’Atac che ricostruisce così l’accaduto: «Alle ore 8.40 circa si è attivato, senza motivo apparente, l’estintore automatico posto nel vano motore di una vettura della linea 128. 

L’azienda ha avviato un’inchiesta interna per capire le cause dell’accaduto». Così Atac in una nota.

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Guy ha detto…
Odissea Quotidiana,


I am trying to analyses the manufacturing date of the burned buses in Rome. And, other things.

1. Are the manufacturing dates of the buses available? And might they be made public? That would have no error. The age might be available if it was computed for the data tables. They are in the vehicle identification number, VIN.

2. Is the following correct? I tried to compute the manufacturing date by subtracting age of bus from date of fire. Date fire - Age of bus = Manufacturing date (+-1 year error).

3. What is the definition of age (eta) of bus in the data table?
Guy ha detto…
Tentitive Draft Analysis of Manufacturing Dates:

If my calculation of the manufacturing date are correct here is the data for numbers of bus fires of each estimated manufacturing date. There would be a 1-2 year error because it was computed using age of bus given in whole years in the table.

But, I am not sure it is correct because I would need to know the definition of the "age (eta) of bus" given in the data. Was the age of bus given in the table computed? Are the ages the age at fire or age at some date such as the table date? Are the manufactured dates available?

If the manufacturing dates were available there would be no error in the analysis. Please supply the manufacturing dates or analyses them for each model or and or emission standard dates.

That could possibly point to design or manufacturing problem. If it goes away later then often the manufacturer or part supplier designed out the problem or a part problem was fixed or removed. If so the solution is known and available or near.

You can see most of these clump near a year or two years. This could mean the fires could be correlated with the vintage of manufacture. That could indicate cause present in vintage years and not other years.

Such analysis probably would justify and convince the manufacturers to fix the problem trough a recall. It could justify regulators to force a recall. Regulators are already justified by the fires. The manufactures would have solved the problem already or be familiar with it and probably know the cause. Or, data point to the time of problem in design or manufacturing.

Buses, should be "fail safe".

Citaro has recalls for fuel line issues and door issues (probably for egress) in the European Union.**** It had been Recalled in London and Germany. Based on that Mercedes or EVO Bus will work on the Citaro based on their recall notices or fires causing "Unsafe failures."

Model Estimated Manufacturing Date +-1 year
Citaro: 2004~2005 Same time as London fires and recall.
IVECO Citelis 2013~2014
IVECO.Cursor(CNG) 2006~7
Inveco Cursor 2001~2
BMB Avan city+ 2012
C.A.M. Ale 2002
Cacciamali.Europoli 2006

# Curve title: "Citaro"
Manufactured Date Fires
2000 1
2001 2
2003 1
2004 11
2005 6

# Curve title: "IVECO Citelis"
2013 7
2014 1

# Curve title: "IVECO.Cursor(CNG)"
2006 3
2007 3

# Curve title: "Inveco Cursor"
2001 2
2002 4

# Curve title: "BMB Avan city+"
2012 3

# Curve title: "C.A.M. Ale"
2002 2

# Curve title: "Cacciamali.Europoli"
2006 1

****European Commission
Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products
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Search for Citaro Bus or others for all years. Citaro has 27 alerts.
Anonimo ha detto…
Fire needs three things.

Ignition Source

Fire can be prevented by making sure all three or none come together.
Guy ha detto…
Fires in Vehicles - FIVE 2014 October 1st-2nd, 2014 Berlin, Germany

Includes Citaro Bus Fires Report
